Can reiki heal physical pain?

Reiki energy therapy has been applied to treat many physical, emotional and psychological disorders, such as blood pressure, pain, headache, mood disorders, anxiety, osteoarthritis, wound healing and sleep disorders. Reiki can help lower the perception of pain by healing the emotional aspect of pain.

Can reiki heal physical pain?

Reiki energy therapy has been applied to treat many physical, emotional and psychological disorders, such as blood pressure, pain, headache, mood disorders, anxiety, osteoarthritis, wound healing and sleep disorders.


can help lower the perception of pain by healing the emotional aspect of pain. Reiki is meant to resolve emotional distress by allowing healing energy to flow freely throughout the body, resulting in relaxation and reducing pain and tension throughout the body. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also lower the perception of pain.

Reiki practice can cure acute pain by unlocking “energy knots,” which develop through a buildup of tension or a traumatic experience. A Reiki therapy intervention used with cancer patients found a significant decrease in pain between groups (p%3d). Cancer patients in Tsang et al. The study that had recently completed chemotherapy noted a significant decrease in pain (e.g.

As such, different treatment methods work for different people. When looking for a natural, drug-free supplement to your current pain management plan, Reiki can be an excellent option to consider. Can be used with most traditional pain management methods without risk of interaction or interference. Most clients report an improved sense of well-being, stress reduction and deep relaxation after a Reiki treatment, creating an ideal state for healing in the body.

Reiki has been studied to treat conditions such as pain, anxiety and depression. It's a complementary treatment, which means you use it in conjunction with proven traditional medical treatments. It does not cure or eliminate any health problem on its own. According to AltMD, beyond pointing to a physical problem, chronic pain can also be due to psychological and emotional disorders.

Reiki can solve them by allowing healing energy to flow freely. The result is a reduction in pain and tension, as well as a feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation. Unlike most other treatments, Reiki is a multipurpose method that can cure both physical and emotional ailments. Through Reiki, some patients suffering from pain due to cancer, injury, or psychological or emotional distress have found relief when other methods were unsuccessful.

As Reiki therapy evolved and came to the West, practical healing practices came to the fore and the spirituality part of the practice faded away. When Reiki practitioners place their hands on the receiver, they act as a conduit for this energy, channeling it to where the receiver needs it most. Reiki practitioners use their hands to transfer energy, either by moving their hands over the body without touching them or by lightly touching the body. The idea is for a Reiki practitioner to use a gentle touch, or place their hands just above the body, to help guide this energy in a way that promotes balance and healing.

Research finds few or no side effects of Reiki, which is facilitated by a light touch or no touch. In addition to encouraging healing and treating chronic pain, Reiki also promotes relaxation, which can help ease muscle tension, lower anxiety levels and reduce depressive feelings. Based on statistical significance, strength of effect sizes (see Table), and public interest in Reiki therapy as a non-invasive and even comforting intervention, there is sufficient evidence to suggest continuing research with the use of Reiki therapy. The rituals involved in becoming a Reiki practitioner are part of a process called attunement, during which a Reiki teacher “opens what he believes to be energy channels in the person's body.

Based on this review, there is enough evidence to continue investigating Reiki therapy as an intervention for pain and anxiety. Although the intervention achieved a statistically significant decrease in pain for the Reiki group (p%3d). The theory behind Reiki is that it opens an energy channel between the practitioner and the patient so that the transfer of healing energy can flow, restoring the patient both mentally and physically. By placing their hands on or above your body, a Reiki professional acts as a means to channel the universal energy flow to you.

If you're receiving Reiki for a health condition, you'll still need to follow your treatment and see your doctor as you normally do. In addition, this review considers the use of Reiki therapy for pain and anxiety in adults and seeks to discover if Reiki therapy is effective for these conditions based on current evidence. Fourth, researchers should consider whether Reiki therapy is appropriate for a particular condition and what may be the optimal time for intervention. .
